Thursday 22 October 2009

chapter 6 - Audience, and audience interpretation of the work

When we watched the video doll face the reaction was slightly different within the group, most of the class felt that there was a strong concept of beauty and the effects it has on us, but there was different angles to it some people thought it was the price of beauty (the robot ended up dying) others thought that it wasn’t as narrow as that; the media have control over us, more then we are aware of. However some of the male members of the group thought it was a bit pointless and boring, almost as if it was a waste of time.

I think that it is paramount to have different ideas and interpretation of artists work; through this the artist has made the audience think for themselves and form their own opinions of it. This may be good or bad e.g; some people got one of the main concepts that the artist was trying to convey, or they thought it was boring.

When an artist has finished their work and submitted it, it is then out of their hands, all they can do is wait for the verdict from their viewer. A big part of art, even more so in modern art/experimental videos etc is the concept behind it, if an artist can achieve this then they are half way there, and a lot of the time, when you are viewing and discussing a piece of art that you have seen it becomes more live and so much more in depth this is why I think that it is so important to have different interpretations.

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