Wednesday 21 October 2009

chapter 2 - The use of technology and techniques and styles

The use of technology has changed greatly in the past 40 years, from the girl chewing gum which was made in 1976 to Muto which was made in 2006 both videos can reflect the different technology which is available for example, Muto uses stop frame animation and better quality cameras, its something that is taken for granted. Muto probably had a lot of funding and appropriate lighting equipment even though it looks simple it is heavily crafted.

However girl chewing gum, was shot using a very basic camera, there is no real craft behind the camera, and it was shot in one position, the camera operator doesn't actually move at all this video is still simple but still effective.

The use of technology is not as important as the audience may think, although it makes viewing more visually pleasing, it wont affect the meaning behind the video. Girl chewing gum has a lot of different concepts as does Muto, each made stronger by the styles in which they are filmed in.

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