Thursday, 19 November 2009

Ideas for my questionaire

Did you enjoy the video?

What did you think it was about?

Was there anything in particular that you liked?

Was there anything in particular that you disliked?

These are general ideas and are not my final questions however I do think that is necessary to have a rough idea of what i want to ask my viewers.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Task 2.2 Exhibition/Installation Plan

1. I have two different ideas for my exhibition space, each in their own right will reflect the video and its meaning. However they are complete polar opposites.

My first idea was to show the video in my flat, it would reflect the opposite to the video, meaning that the concept is about a homeless person, and it would be a contrast; so the flat would be comfortable warm and friendly, whereas the video is cold uncomfortable and hostile. It is a good idea that I think would be easy to accomplish.

However my other idea is to show it outside, because this would be more of a reflection of the video, the viewers will be cold and there would be a correlation between the video and the exhibition space. The problem with this idea is that I think that it would be more difficult to get an appropriate screen to view the video and people may be a bit more reluctant to watch a three minute film in the freezing cold!

The idea that I decided to with was the one in my flat. I put the curtains over all the furniture and a bare window with it slightly undone, this created a cool effect. I thought that making my flat look like it was unkempt this would reflect the ideas behind my videos. I wrote graffiti on the wall 'distorted perception' the title of my video. I thought that my exhibition space was uncomfortable and harsh to the eye, all in all this did make the video more hard hitting.

Task 2.3 Prduction and Post-Production Diary

Diary Entry 1. 9/11/09

I started filming this Saturday, I started off with the few ending shots that I needed, I needed to go to a bonfire and film it, I got more footage that I need but I think that it will help me get the better clips. I filmed the bonfire in the evening.

On Saturday afternoon I was in Horsham and I went into the rural areas and found some great locations, I will be going back there on Wednesday, I did manage to get a couple of good shots but time was against me and I found that I didn't have enough time to get all of the shooting done, but I had made time for it on Wednesday afternoon when I will be shooting in Horsham park for the rest of my video.

Diary Entry 2. 10/9/09

I made a decision today that I did not have sufficient time to film all of the shots in Horsham park, I think that it would be a better idea to film a lot of the location and close up shots in the memorial gardens and parks in the Crawley area.

I think that this is a better solution to the problem I had with finding the time and booking out the equipment. I think that if I did film the rest of my video in Crawley I would be able to enlist help of my fellow students, and thus complete my shooting on time.

Diary Entry 3. 16/11/09

After looking and trying to edit the shots that I had, I realised that I did not have sufficient footage to convey a good video and for people viewing it to understand. So I have planned to book out a camera and get the final shots because I cannot possibly contemplate trying to make a video out of a couple of shots.

I have planned to book out the equipment on the Wednesday and edit it on the Thursday. I know that this is eating into my editing time but I think that it is a necessary sacrifice to make in order to complete my video on time with the relevant shots in it.

Diary entry 4. 19/11/09

I finally managed to get all of the footage that I needed to get and all I need to do is record the soundtrack and edit the footage that I have got, I still have not thought of an appropriate name for my experimental video but I'm sure that after I have looked at the finished piece that inspiration for a name will come to me!